************************************************************ * * * * * VIDEO LIBRARIAN * * Version * * 2.1 * * * * * * by * * TurboSystemCo * * 515 East Pershing, Suite 187 * * Cheyenne, Wy. 82001 * * * ************************************************************ #13 LICENSE AGREEMENT VIDEO LIBRARIAN PROGRAM (C) Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988 TurboSystemCo and Lemuel D. Turner for this software, documentation, and user interface. Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States of America. All rights reserved. TurboSystemCo grants you without charge the right to reproduce, distribute and use copies of this "shareware" version of our VIDEO LIBRARIAN software product (including the on disk documentation), on the express condition that you do not receive any payment, commercial benefit, other consideration for such reproduction or distribution, or change this license agreement or copyright notice. The rights to receive any such financial or other benefit, and to modify the product or its components, are reserved exclusively by TurboSystemCo. Support from users enables us to develop additional features and, future versions of the VIDEO LIBRARIAN product. Your payment of $25.00 would be greatly appreciated; send your payment to: TurboSystemCo 515 East Pershing, Suite 187 Cheyenne, Wy. 82001 USA By sending in your payment, along with your name, mailing address version number, and where you heard about the VIDEO LIBRARIAN product and obtained your copy, your copy of VIDEO LIBRARIAN will be registered with us. This will enable you to receive (1) tech- nical support, (2) announcements of future releases, the latest version and printed manual. Feel free to contribute your ideas regarding desired new features and functionality. THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OF PARTICULAR PURPOSE, PERFORMANCE, OR OTHERWISE; ALL WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED. BY USING THE VIDEO LIBRARIAN PRODUCT, YOU AGREE THAT NEITHER TurboSystemCo NOR ANY OF OUR EMPLOYEES, AFFILIATES, OWNERS, OR OTHER RELATED PARTIES WILL BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY USE OF (OR INABILITY TO USE) THIS SOFTWARE, OR FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER. EVEN IF WE ARE APPRISED OF POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OCCURRING. This software may not be reversed-engineered or disassembled, and includes certain trade secrets and confidential information of TurboSystemCo. VIDEO LIBRARIAN is a trademark of TurboSystemCo. #13 ------------------------------------------- VIDEO LIBRARIAN Registration Payment Form ------------------------------------------- To order VIDEO LIBRARIAN, please fill out the form below: Date: _____________ Name: _____________________________ Title: ___________________ Company: ________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________ State/Country: ________________________ Zip: ____________________ Phone Work: (_____) _____ - ______ Home: (_____) _____ - ______ Method of payment: Please complete the worksheet below and choose one of the payment options indicated. Wyoming residents must add sales tax. ALL CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS MUST BE DRAWN ON U.S. ACCOUNTS ONLY. +----------+------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | | Cost | Total | | Quantity | Description | per unit | Cost | +==========+==============================+==========+==========+ | | | | | | | VIDEO LIBRARIAN | $25.00 | | | | | | | +==========+=+============================+==========+==========+ | Wyoming residents add sales tax | | +---------------------------------------+----------+ | Shipping Cost if Overseas, add $25.00 | | +---------------------------------------+==========+ TOTAL | | Please indicate diskette format: [ ] 5.25 +==========+ [ ] 3.5 [ ] Check with order [ ] Money Order ***************************************************************** Send all items to: TurboSystemCo VLB Order Department 515 East Pershing, Suite 187 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 USA ***************************************************************** #13 -------------- COMMENT FORM -------------- Your comments about this software and documentation are welcome. Please take the time to fill out this form and return it with comments. Name: _____________________________ Title: __________________ Company: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________________ State/Country: ________________________ Zip: ___________________ Phone Work: (_____) _____ - ______ Home: (_____) _____ - ______ VIDEO LIBRARIAN Ver No.: _____________ Date: __________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Send this form to: TurboSystemCo VLB Comments 515 East Pershing, Suite 187 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 ***************************************************************** #13 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ......................................... 1 MAKE A BACKUP ........................................ 2 INSTALLATION ......................................... 4 START UP ............................................. 7 MAIN SCREEN .......................................... 9 THE FIND FUNCTION .................................... 14 SEARCHING ............................................ 18 REPORTS .............................................. 23 UTILITIES ............................................ 27 VIDEO FIX ............................................ 29 TAPE LABELS .......................................... 31 #13 INTRODUCTION VIDEO LIBRARIAN is a fast easy to learn and use database manager that will help organize and keep track of your video library. With this program you can quickly search your video library files and print reports to the screen, printer or a disk text file. The program will also print labels to place on your VCR tapes for easy identification. FEATURES - Holds 18 Information Fields About Each Title -- Title, Star(first & last name), Co-star(first & last name), Cast, Rating, Director(first & last name), Company, Year, Comments, Tape#, Starting and Stop Counter, Recording Speed and Time - Database Management Functions. Fourteen from Main Screen -- Next, Prev, Find, Top, Last, Edit, Add, Del, Search, Report, Change Files, Utilities, Help, Quit -- Four types of reports may be printed to screen, printer or disk text file. Features two fixed format and one user designed report, also prints labels for casssettes. -- Tape labels can be printed on regular 3 1/2 by 15/16 labels or on special labels designed to fit the top and spine of VHS and BETA cassettes. - Quickly create fully functional sub-files. - Merge files previously created. - Find any Title, Star, Co-Star, Director or Tape# in less than one second. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS To use VIDEO LIBRARIAN you will require: IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or Compatible. At least 320k of memory and one floppy disk drive. A color or monochrome display. Printer (capable of print in compressed mode to use all the features of the program). MS-DOS/PC-DOS 2.0 or higher. #13 BACKING UP YOUR PROGRAM DISK MAKE A BACKUP COPY Now that you have your VIDEO LIBRARIAN program, the first thing to do is make a backup copy. For your convenience Video Librar- ian is not copy protected and can be used with a hard disk. The first thing you should do with your VIDEO LIBRARIAN master disk is to make a backup to another floppy disk or to your hard disk, or both. You may utilize the DOS commands DISKCOPY or COPY to backup your master disk. BACKUP WITH A DUAL FLOPPY DISK SYSTEM After booting your system with the DOS master disk, place a blank disk in drive B: Enter the DOS command: DISKCOPY A: B: Place your VIDEO LIBRARIAN master disk in Drive A, press RETURN and all of your VIDEO LIBRARIAN files will be copied to the new disk in Drive B. Remove the VIDEO LIBRARIAN master disk from Drive A and store in a safe place. BACKUP WITH A SINGLE FLOPPY SYSTEM After booting your system with the DOS master disk: Enter the DOS command: DISKCOPY A: A: Follow the on screen prompts, when the copy process is complete, place the VIDEO LIBRARIAN master disk in a safe place. #13 BACKUP WITH A HARD DISK SYSTEM We suggest you set a directory specifically for the use of the VIDEO LIBRARIAN. From the "root" directory: Enter the DOS command: MD\VLB Next set the default to the new sub-directory by entering the DOS command: CD\VLB With your VIDEO LIBRARIAN master disk in drive A: enter the DOS command: COPY A:\ *.* The VIDEO LIBRARIAN files will be copied to your hard disk and are now ready for use. Place the VIDEO LIBRARIAN master disk in a safe place. VIDEO LIBRARIAN DISK FILES VIDEO LIBRARIAN is distributed on one disk. Check your backup copy to insure that the following files are on your backup disk: SBMIO.COM ..........: Memory resident B-Tree ISAM routines. VIDEO.EXE ..........: The main VIDEO LIBRARIAN program. SBM.SYS ............: File containing the system default set-up. PRTCODES.DEF .......: File containing printer set-up codes. VLBINST.COM ........: Program allows installation of keyboard, colors for the input fields and printer codes. MAINHELP.TXT SELHLP.TXT RSELHLP.TXT MSELHLP.TXT ........: Files containing help information. VIDEOFIX.EXE .......: A VIDEO LIBRARIAN utility program. VLB.BAT .............: A batch file that starts up Video Librarian. #13 INSTALLING VIDEO LIBRARIAN If your system consists of an IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or compatible computer with a color card installed and an Epson MX printer or Epson code compatible printer, then you will not need to run the Installation program VLBINST.COM. If your system differs from the default system listed above, then you will need to run VLBINST.COM. To run VLBINST.COM, you must be at the operating system prompt level, A> for a floppy system and C> for a hard disk system. With the VIDEO LIBRARIAN disk in drive A: for a floppy base systems and in the VIDEO LIBRARIAN directory for hard disk systems, type the following command to invoke the installation program: VLBINST (press RETURN) A menu will display the following three installation options: 1. Install Non IBM PC Keyboard 2. Install Printer Escape Codes 3. Install VDU, Colors & Date Type KEYBOARD INSTALLATION THIS MODULE SHOULD ONLY BE USED IF YOUR KEYBOARD IS NOT IBM COMPATIBLE. IF YOU HAVE AN IBM PC/XT/AT TYPE KEYBOARD, DO NOT USE THIS MODULE AS VIDEO LIBRARIAN COMES PRE-INSTALLED FOR IBM AND IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS. This module allows the editing keys such as the cursor arrow keys and some function keys to be re-assigned. The defaults are: Arrow keys for cursor movement F1 - Abort edit and ignore any changes F5 - Clear current field F9 - Edit done Note, if a new key code is assigned to any of the above, the default keycode will still remain active for the function also. The install module will show the current keycode in brackets. Press the new key to be defined or press the RETURN key to accept the current keycode. #13 PRINTER INSTALLATION The printer control codes for NORMAL PRINT and COMPRESSED PRINT are defined in this module. Your printer must be able to print in COMPRESSED PRINT to print tape labels and some reports. The printer control strings may be entered as ASCII characters and/or decimal codes preceded by a # character and delimited by a ; character eg: PRINTER CONTROL STRING YOU MAY TYPE ESC $ 1 6 M #27;$16M or #27,36,49,54,77; CTRL Q #15; ESC Q #27;Q Refer to your printer manual, usually in a section called Printer Installation Codes, or Escape Sequences, to determine the control strings which are required to install your printer. The printer installation module will write a file to your disk or diskette called PRTCODES.DEF. MONITOR TYPE AND COLOR SELECTION The COLORS FOR PROMPTS, and INPUT FIELDS may be selected in this module, however we suggest you accept the default codes initial- ly. You may experiment with different color combinations at a later stage. When the SYSTEM BUILDER COLOR/ATTRIBUTE & DATE INSTALLATION screen is displayed: If you have a color monitor just select the background, intensity and foreground colors. NOTE: Many computers such as an AT&T or COMPAQ and many compatible may not display colors on the screen but come with a color card installed. They should be installed as color computers. They will display both foreground and background colors in different intensity shadings. If you keep getting the Video Type Mismatch Error when you run VIDEO LIBRARIAN and you have installed your computer as a MONO, go back and install as a color computer. #13 The monochrome video board recognizes a subrange of video codes. They are: WLN - Reverse Video NHW - High Intensity Video NLW - Low Intensity Video NHB - High Intensity Video NLB - Low Intensity Video Suggested combinations will be displayed on the installation screen. *WARNING* Do not select NLN or NHN. If you do, your cursor will disappear. After you entered your video codes, you will be prompted to se- lect your video adapter type. Enter M for monochrome or C for color. Enter R or D at the next prompt. Use D which updates the screen faster, however if there is significant screen flicker use R which will eliminate the flicker. For the next prompt, select the USA format. #13 START UP Use the following procedures for your system to enter VIDEO LIBRARIAN: SINGLE FLOPPY SYSTEMS: First you need a blank formatted data disk to hold your files. You will copy two files from your VIDEO LIBRARIAN program disk to your data disk. Place your VIDEO LIBRARIAN program disk into drive A. At the A> prompt type: COPY PRTCODES.DEF A: Follow the on screen prompts; when the file copy is complete, place the VIDEO LIBRARIAN program disk back in drive a. Type: COPY VLB.BAT A: If you require access to the on screen help text, you will need to copy the help files to your data disk. With the VIDEO LIBRARIAN program disk in drive A; Type: COPY *.TXT A: Placing the help files on your data disk will reduce the amount of storage space available. You will find VIDEO LIBRARIAN so easy to use that you'll find you don't need the help files. To enter VIDEO LIBRARIAN, (1) boot your system with DOS, (2) place your VIDEO LIBRARIAN program in drive A:, (3) at the A > prompt, type VLB and press RETURN -- the program will load and the title screen will be displayed. Enter A for your data disk drive, then remove the VIDEO LIBRARIAN program disk and place your data disk in drive A. The data files will be initialize and the data entry screen displayed. DUAL FLOPPY SYSTEM START UP You need your working copy of VIDEO LIBRARIAN and a blank formatted disk. To enter VIDEO LIBRARIAN, (1) boot your system with your DOS disk, (2) place your working copy of VIDEO LIBRARIAN in drive A, and your blank formatted disk in drive B:, (3) at the A> prompt type VLB and press the RETURN/ENTER key and the title screen will be displayed (see figure 3.1). ** Figure 3.1** not shown in this "shareware" manual**. At the bottom of the title screen the following prompt will be displayed: Enter Drive For Data File (A - Z) Enter B, the data files will be initiali and the data entry screen will be displayed. #13 HARD DISK SYSTEM To enter VIDEO LIBRARIAN, (1) boot your system, (2) at the C> prompt type CD\VLB or whatever subdirectory name you used to copy the VIDEO LIBRARIAN master disk files to. (3) Type VLB and press the ENTER/RETURN key and the title screen will be displayed (see figure 3.1). ** Figure 3.1 not shown in this "shareware" manual** At the bottom of the title screen the following prompt will be displayed: Enter Drive For Data File (A - Z) Enter the appropriate drive, the files will be initiali and the data entry screen will be displayed. #13 THE MAIN SCREEN After the Title Screen is displayed VIDEO LIBRARIAN will display the Main Screen. The Main Screen contains 18 data entry fields to store information about your video movies, see Figure 4-1 below: ** Figure 4-1 not shown in this shareware manual**. Looking at the data entry screen figure 4.1, you will see that the screen consists of a Status Line (top line on screen) the data entry fields, and the Command Line (bottom line on the screen). When the Status Line displays Command Mode as shown in figure 4.1, you may use any of the commands displayed on the Command Line by pressing the highlighted letter of the command. When you enter one of the following commands: Add, or Edit then the Status Line will display: Edit mode: OVERTYPE/INSERT. F1:ABORT, F5:Clr Eol, F9:Edit Done, INS: Ins On/Off The Edit Mode definitions will be explained in a later section. TOP SECTION The top section of the data entry screen displays several informational fields. Two fields, Size and Used show the record size of the file and the number of movie records used. Before you add movie titles to the file, both will show 0 and as you add a movie title each is increased by one. However, when you delete a movie title, Size remains the same and Used decreases by one. For example you have added 20 movie titles to your file, Size and Used will both show 20. If you delete 2 titles, then Size will still show 20 and Used will show 18. When you add titles again to the file, VIDEO LIBRARIAN will use the space allocated for the deleted titles before increasing the file size. File shows the current file that VIDEO LIBRARIAN is working with. When you first start up VIDEO LIBRARIAN, the file will always be VIDEO. You can switch to, or create a new file by using the Chfile function on the command line. This function will be explained in a later section. The DOS date and time are also displayed in the top section of the data entry screen. The date and time can be changed by the Utility function which is explained later. #13 COMMAND LINE DEFINITIONS The Command Line provides the VIDEO LIBRARIAN data entry screen with a selection of database maintenance functions that can be accessed with one key stroke. KEY FUNCTION Next Displays the next Title in alphabetical order. Prev Displays the previous Title in alphabetical order. Find Use this feature to rapidly find any Title, Star, Co-Star, Director or Tape #. Top Display the first movie in Title index order. Last Display the last movie in Title index order. Edit Edit the movie currently displayed on the screen. Add Add a new movie to the library file. Del To delete the movie displayed on the screen. Srch Allows you to search the library file, using up to 8 selection criteria. Matches are displayed on the main screen. Report Switches you to the Select Report Type screen. Chfile Switches you from the currently selected file to another file. If the file name you requests exits, then you will be asked if you want to open the file. If you respond yes, then the current file is closed and the new file is opened. If you respond no, then the current file remains in use. If the file name you specify does not exits, you will be asked if you want to create the file. If you respond yes, the file will be created and you can start adding movie titles to the file. If you respond no, then the current file remains in use. Util Displays the utility menu. From this menu, you can set the date, time, merge files or create sub-files. Help Displays the help screens. Quit Ends the VIDEO LIBRARIAN program and returns you to the DOS prompt. #13 STATUS LINE FUNCTION/EDIT KEYS The status line function/edit keys are in effect when you are using the Add or Edit functions on the main screen or entering data on any other screen. KEY FUNCTION OPERATION --- -------------- ------------------------------------- F1 Abort Edit/Add This key may be used to abort the Edit or Add functions. The movie files will not be updated. Also, used to abort most operations requiring input. F5 Delete Field The field is deleted from the cursor position to the end of the field and the cursor is placed at the left margin of the field. F9 Done Edit/Add This key is used to end editing. The movie data is written to the data file. RETURN End Field Edit This key will end editing in the current field. The cursor is moved to the next field. BACKSPACE Backspace This key will cause the cursor to move left and erase the character to the left. INS Insert/Toggle This key will toggle between insert and overwrite. DEL Delete Char The character under the cursor is deleted. UP ARROW Field Up Moves cursor to the previous field. DOWN ARROW Field Down Moves cursor to the next field. LEFT ARROW Cursor Left Moves cursor to the left. RGT ARROW Cursor Right Moves cursor to the right. #13 INFORMATION FIELDS Each of the movies in the data file contains the following information fields. FIELD WIDTH CONTENTS ----- ----- --------------------------------------------- Title 40 Enter title of the movie in this field. The main index field. Rating 04 Enter the MPAA rating of the film, ie, G, PG, PG13, R, X, NR, ect. Star(first) 12 Enter the star's first name in this field. Star(last) 12 Enter the star's last name in this field. This is an indexed field which allows rapid searches of the data file by the star's last name. Costar(first)12 Enter the costar's first name in this field. Costar(last) 12 Enter the costar's last name in this field. This is an indexed field which allows rapid searches of the data file by the costar's last name. Cast 30 This field holds the names of the remaining cast members. Dir(first) 08 Enter the director's first name in this field. Dir(last) 12 Enter the director's last name in this field. This is an indexed field which allows rapid searches of the data file by the director's last name. Company 02 This field will hold a two letter abbreviation for the name of the company that made or distributed the movie. For example: Warner - WR; Paramount - PR; CBS/FOX - CF. Category 01 Holds a one letter abbreviation for the general type of movie. Examples: Comedy - C; Action/Adventure - A; Drama - D; Mystery - M; Suspense - S; Children - H; Adult - X; ect. Year 04 Holds the year the movie was copyrighted or released. Comments 64 Used to store any additional information about the movie. #13 FIELD WIDTH CONTENTS ----- ----- --------------------------------------------- Tape# 04 Stores a number to identify a VCR cassette tape. Numbering examples: (1) straight number system ie first cassette tape 0001 up to 9999; (2) combination of letters and numbers, ie your comedy cassettes could be numbered C001 to C999. Start 04 This field holds the VCR counter number where the title begins. Stop 04 Holds the VCR counter number where the title ends. RecSpeed 01 Holds a number representing the speed the movie was recorded, ie 1 = 1 hr; 2 = 2hr; 6 = 6hr. Time 03 Holds the length of the movie in minutes. #13 The Find Function The Find Key enables you to RAPIDLY find a movie by TITLE, STAR(last name), COSTAR(last name), DIRECTOR(last name) or TAPE NUMBER. When you select Find by pressing F the following prompt will be displayed: Find -- Title, Star, Costar, TapeNo, Director: F1 = Abort Press the highlighted key of the index key field you wish to find, or press F1(abort) and return to the main menu selections. If you press T for TITLE, the following prompt will be displayed: Enter Title To Find or RETURN For All A similar prompt is displayed for the four additional key fields if they are selected. The prompt above allows you to specify a string to search for, or just press RETURN. If you press the RETURN Key, then all movies for the index key selected will be listed to the Find Display Screen. If a search string is specified then all movies that have a string in which the specified string is matched, (beginning at the first character) will be listed to the Find Display Screen. If you select Title and enter S for the search string, then all movies beginning with S would be displayed on the Find Display Screen. Movies that match the search string are listed 20 at a time on the Find Display Screen (unless there are fewer than 20 matches). After each screen of matches is displayed, you will be: (1) prompted to view more of the listing by pressing RETURN if there are more matches than can be displayed on one screen or (2) quit the screen and return to the Main Screen or (3) select a specific movie to display on the Main Screen by entering the number of the associated movie from the left of the Find Display Screen. If no match is found, the following prompt is displayed on the screen: Key Not Found !!! (Press Any Key) EXAMPLES On the following pages are several examples of using the Find Function. In each example the following information is provided, (1) the index field selected and (2) the search string. #13 Example 1 Index Field: Title Search String: Star Find Display Screen +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit mode : OVERTYPE. | | No. MOVIE TITLE Star | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn Shatner, William | | 2 Star Trek III: The Search For Spock Shatner, William | | 3 Star Trek: The Motion Picture Shatner, William | | 4 Star Wars Hamil, Mark | | 5 Star80 Hemingway, Mariel | | 6 Stardust Memories Allen, Woody | | 7 Starman Bridges, Jeff | | | | | | | | Enter: -Quit or Select Number > | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Selecting any of the numbers on the left will display the associated movie on the Main Screen instantaneously. Example 2 Index Field: Star Search String: Pryor Find Display Screen +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit mode : OVERTYPE. | | No. Star Movie Title | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Pryor, Richard Bustin' Loose | | 2 Pryor, Richard Silver Streak | | 3 Pryor, Richard Some Kind Of Hero | | 4 Pryor, Richard Stir Crazy | | 5 Pryor, Richard Toy, The | | 6 Pryor, Richard Which Way Is Up | | 7 Pryor, Richard Blue Collar | | 8 Pryor, Richard Brewsters Millions | | 9 Pryor, Richard Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling | | | | Enter: -Quit or Select Number > | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ #13 Example 3 Index Field: Title Search String: B Find Display Screen +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit mode : OVERTYPE. | | No. Movie Title Star | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Bachelor Party Hanks, Tom | | 2 Back To School Dangerfield,Rodney| | 3 Back To The Future Fox, Michael | | 4 Bad News Bears, The O'Neal, Tatum | | 5 Blazing Saddles Little, Clevon | | 6 Bed Time For Bonzo Reagan, Ronald | | 7 Berlin Express Oberon, Merle | | 8 Best Defense Moore, Dudley | | 9 Best Friends Hawn, Goldie | | 10 Best Little Whorehouse In Texas, The Reynolds, Burt | | 11 Betrayal Irons, Jeremy | | 12 Beverly Hills Cop Murphy, Eddie | | 13 Beyond The Limit Caine, Michael | | 14 Big Bad Mama Dickerson, Angie | | 15 Big Chill Kline, Kevin | | 16 Big Red One, The Marvin, Lee | | 17 Big Sleep, The Bogart, Humphrey | | 18 Billy Jack Laughlin, Tom | | 19 Birds, The Hedren, Teppi | | 20 Bitch, The Collins, Joan | | | | Enter: -Quit, RETURN for Next Screen or Select Number > | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ In example 3, there are more than 20 movies that match the search string. In this situation, you can: (1) enter Q and return to the Main Screen or (2) enter one of the numbers on the left and display the movie on the Main Screen or (3) press RETURN and list the additional movies that match the search string. Example 4 Index Field: CoStar Search String: Garr Find Display Screen +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit mode : OVERTYPE. | | No. CoStar Movie Title | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Garr, Teri Mr. Mom | | 2 Garr, Teri Tootsie | | 3 Garr, Teri Close Encounters of The Third Kind | | | | Enter: -Quit or Select Number > | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ #13 Example 5 Index Field: Tape# Search String: 0010 Find Display Screen +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit mode : OVERTYPE. | | No. Tape# Movie Title | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 0010 French Connection, The | | 2 0010 Guantlet, The | | 3 0010 Goldfinger | | | | Enter: -Quit or Select Number > | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Example 6 Index Field: Director Search String: Br +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit mode : OVERTYPE. | | No. Director Movie Title | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Bradham, John Wargames | | 2 Bradham, John Saturday Night Fever | | 3 Breast, John Beverly Hills Cop | | 4 Brickman, Paul Risky Business | | 5 Brickman, Marshall Lovesick | | 6 Brickman, Marshall Manhattan Project | | 7 Bridges, James China Syndrome, The | | 8 Bridges, James Mikes Murder | | 9 Bridges, James Urban Cowboy | | 10 Bridges, James Perfect | | 11 Brooks, Richard Cat On A Hot Tin Roof | | 12 Brooks, Richard Looking For Mr. Goodbar | | 13 Brooks, Richard In Cold Blood | | 14 Brooks, James Terms Of Enderament | | 15 Brooks, Mel Blazing Saddles | | 16 Brooks, Mel High Anxiety | | 17 Brooks, Albert Lost In America | | 18 Brooks, Mel Silent Movie | | 19 Brooks, Mel To Be Or Not To Be | | 20 Brooks, Mel Young Frankenstein | | | | Enter: -Quit, RETURN for Next Screen or Select Number > | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ The FIND Function is extremely fast and efficient. It can find a screen of matches almost instantenously. However it is limited to searches on one field at a time, and the field must be one of the five key fields. If you need to search on multiple fields, then use the Srch Function or the Report Function. #13 THE SEARCH FUNCTION The search function allows you to search your data file using multiple fields. The function uses two screens to complete the task, the Movie Selector Screen and the Main screen. To enter the search Function, select Srch from the command line on the Main screen. The following prompt will be displayed: Sort By: Title, Star, Costar, TapeNo, Director: F1 = Abort Selecting one of the above Key fields will determine the sort order for the movies that meet your selection criteria. After you have made your selection, the Movie Selector Screen is displayed. MOVIE SELECTOR SCREEN OVERTYPE. F1:Abort, F5:Clr Eol, F9:Edit Done, INS: Ins On/Off +======================== MOVIE SELECTOR ==========================+ || +------------------------ Fields ----------------------------+ || || | Star Category Director Comment Tape# RecSpeed Costar Cast | || || | Year Company Title Rating Start Stop Time | || || +------------------------------------------------------------+ || || || || +--------------------- Comparators --------------------------+ || || | EQ = equal NE = not equal to LT = less than | || || | GE = greater than or equal to GT = greater than | || || | LE = less than or equal to CT = search for string | || || +------------------------------------------------------------+ || || Logical Operators(LogOp) = AND, OR: Use END to quit selections || || +-------+-------------+---------------+----------------------+ || || | | | | | || || | LogOp | Field | Comparator | Value | || || +-------+-------------+---------------+----------------------+ || || | | Rating | EQ | PG | || || | AND | YEAR | GE | 1985 | || || | AND | CATEGORY | EQ | C | || || | END | | | | || || | | | | | || || | | | | | || || | | | | | || +--+-------+-------------+---------------+----------------------+--+ NOTE: 1. The fields Star, Costar, and Director are used for last names. 2. There are three fields not shown on the screen above that may be used. They are StarF, CostarF, DirecF; they are first name fields forStar, Costar, and Director. #13 When you first enter the Movie Selector Screen, the cursor will be in the first field waiting input. If you want to abort this screen or need help, press F1 and the following prompt will be displayed: Edit, Continue, Quit, Help Selecting Edit will place the cursor back in the input screen to start or edit any data previously input. After entering your search criteria, Continue will start the search process. Quit will return you to the Main Screen. Help will display the help files for the Movie Selector Screen. MOVIE SELECTOR FIELDS There are four fields on the screen used to set up the search criteria; Field, Comparator, Value and LogOp. Field Enter the name for one of the 18 Video Librarian fields in this field. Fourteen of the field names are listed in the top window of the Movie Selector Screen. Four additional field names that may be used are listed in the note on the previous page. This field holds the name of the field that you want searched. Value Enter a value in this field to make a comparison. If you entered STAR for the field you wanted searched, then you would enter a star's lastname in this field for the value. Comparator This field specifies how you want to compare the value entered in the Value field. There are seven comparators that can be entered in this field. See second window on the Movie Selector Screen. RESTRICTION- CT can't be used with the following fields: YEAR, STOP, START and TIME. These fields are stored as numbers and CT only operates on string values. LogOp Two logical operators can be used in this field, AND and OR. The string END entered in this field signifies completion of data entry on the Movie Selector Screen. The operators allow you multiple search criteria. For the AND comparison to be true, the comparison before and after the AND operator must be true for selection of the movie record. The OR comparison will be true if any of the comparisons connected by OR are true. If the AND operator is proceeded by one or more OR comparators, and if any of the OR comparisons are true, then the before condition for the AND operator is true. NOTE: You can use all seven input fields in the LogOp field for the comparators AND, OR ie.; END is not required to signify completion of data input if all the LogOp fields are used. #13 SEARCH EXAMPLES Listed below and on the next page are several examples to demonstrate setting up selection criteria. Example 1 +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | LogOp | Field | Comparator | Value | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | | Star | EQ | EASTWOOD | | OR | STAR | EQ | REYNOLDS | | OR | Star | EQ | FORD | | AND | CATEGORY | NE | A | | END | | | | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ This example would select all movies in the data file that starred EASTWOOD or REYNOLDS or FORD and was not and Action movie. Example 2 +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | LogOp | Field | Comparator | Value | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | | STAR | EQ | FONDA | | AND | STARF | EQ | JANE | | END | | | | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ This example would select all movies from the data file that starred Jane Fonda. If the STARF field with a value of JANE was not used and only the STAR field (FONDA) was used, then all movies starring Jane, Peter, Henry and any other Fonda would be selected. Example 3 +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | LogOp | Field | Comparator | Value | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | | STAR | EQ | PRYOR | | OR | COSTAR | EQ | PRYOR | | OR | CAST | CT | PRYOR | | END | | | | +-----------------------+--------------+------------+ This example would select all movies from the data file that had PRYOR as a star, co-star or as a cast member. #13 Example 4 +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | LogOp | Field | Comparator | Value | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | | TITLE | CT | LOVE | | AND | YEAR | GE | 1960 | | AND | YEAR | LT | 1970 | | END | | | | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ This example would select all movies that contained LOVE any where in the title and was made between 1960 and 1969. Example 5 +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | LogOp | Field | Comparator | Value | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ | | RATING | EQ | R | | OR | RATING | EQ | PG13 | | AND | YEAR | GE | 1986 | | AND | TIME | LT | 105 | | AND | CATEGORY | NE | C | | AND | COMPANY | EQ | CF | | END | | | | +----------+------------+--------------+------------+ This example would select all movies from the data file that met the following criteria: was rated R or PG13 and was made in 1986 or later, and with a running time of 104 minutes or less, and was not a comedy and was released by CBS/FOX. Video Librarian can perform some very powerful searches. After completing the Movie Selector Screen and pressing Continue, the search begins. SEARCH SCREEN When the search process begins the search screen which is almost identical to the Main Screen is displayed: ************ SEARCHING ************ The prompt SEARCHING will flash while Video Librarian is searching the data file for matches. When a match is found, the movie is displayed on the screen along with the Search Screen Menu seen below: Next, Edit, Continue #13 Next will start the search process again to find the next movie that meets the search criteria. Edit functions the same as the Edit function on the Main Screen. Any changes made are incorporated into the data file. Quit stops the search process and returns you to the Main Screen. When the search process is complete, a message is displayed. Search Complete -- Movies Read = 650 Matches = 10 PRESS ANY KEY Miscellaneous Search Notes 1. When first entering the Search procedure, you are prompted for the sort field, ie. Title, Star, Costar, Director or TapeNo. In some cases the movies are not displayed in the sort order selected. Video Librarian overrides your selection if you use a different Index Key Field name as the first name in the FIELD input field on the Movie Selector Screen. Video Librarian uses the first Index Key Field name on the Movie Selector Screen to determine the sort order. 2. If you just want to search on a single field and that field is one of the five Index Key Fields, then the FIND procedure may be more convenient to use. 3. The selection criteria you set up using the Movie Selector Screen are case insensitive. All characters are automatically displayed in uppercase on the screen. All fields in your data records are converted to uppercase before a comparison is made. #13 THE REPORT FUNCTION REPORT SCREEN The screen below will appear when you select Report from the Main Screen menu. +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | SELECT TYPE OF REPORT LISTING | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------+--------------+----------------+--------------+ | Report Type: | List To: | List: | Sort By: | | | | | | | A. Tape Labels | A. Screen | A. All Movies | A. Title | | | | | | | B. Small Report | B. Printer | B. Some Movies | B. Star | | | | | | | C. Large Report | C. Text File | | C. Costar | | | | | | | D. Custom Report| | | D. Director | | | | | | | | | | E. Tape # | | | | | | | Enter (A-D) | Enter (A-C) | Enter (A/B) | Enter (A-E) | | B | A | A | A | +-----------------+--------------+----------------+--------------+ On this screen are four menus to make your selections to determine the type of report you want, where you want the report listed, whether to list all or some of the movies and the sort order you want the report listed. Upon arrival at this screen, the cursor will be in the input field for Report Type. If you need help or want to exit from this screen press F1 and the menu below is displayed. Edit, Continue, Quit, Help Selecting Edit will allow updating of this screen. Continue indicates completion of updating. Quit will return you to the Main Screen. Help will display the help screens for this screen. If you are satisfied with the default selections (the highlighted letters at the bottom of the screen), press function key F9 when you first enter the screen. You can press F9 at any point during screen update to signify update completion. #13 REPORT TYPE MENU Tape Labels Prints labels for placement on VCR cassette tapes /boxes. Five choices for the type label to print. 1. Regular Labels 2. VHS Top 3. VHS Spine 4. Beta Top 5. Beta Spine. Small Report This is a pre-formatted report that can be listed to the screen printer or text file. Prints eight information fields. The fields are Title, Star, Category, Year, Rating, Tape#, Start and Time. Large Report This is a pre-formatted report that can be listed to a printer or a disk text file. The report contains twelve information fields. The fields are Title, Star, Costar, Cast, Director, Category, Year, Rating, Tape#, Start, Time and Speed. Custom Report You select the fields to be contained in this report. Make selections using the Report Formatter Screen. LIST TO MENU Screen When selected, the report is listed to your monitor. Printer When selected, the report is listed to your printer. Text File When selected, you will be prompted to enter a drive and filename for the text file. You can enter up to eight characters for the filename. Do not add an extension. The program adds the extension .TXT to your filename. Pressing F1 at any point while entering the drive/filename will abort the filename input routine and return you to the screen. The text file can be edited by a Wordprocessor capable of reading ASCII text. LIST MENU All Movies When selected, all movies in the data file will be listed in the report. Some Movies When selected, you will be sent to the Movie Selector Screen to set up the selection criteria to list the desired movies. Sort By Menu Select the sort order in which you want your report listed. Your choices are Title, Star, Costar, Direc- tor or Tape#. Selecting Title would cause the report to be listed in alphabetical order by title. #13 REPORT FORMATTER When Custom Report is selected from the Report Type Menu, the screen below (** screen not shown in this manual**) is displayed after completing the current screen. From this screen you select the fields to be included in your report and how you want the fields formatted. REPORT FORMATTER FIELDS Print Field Enter the name of the data field that you want printed. In addition to the 15 fields listed in the top window of the screen, there are three additional fields that may be used. They are STARF,COSTARF and DIRECF which are for the star's, costar's and direc- tor's first names. The fields Star, Costar, and Director will print last names only. Enter END to signal completion of screen input. Field Width This is a display only field. When a field name is entered in the print field, the number of characters the field occupies is displayed. Print Width This fields allows you to specify the width in characters that you want the field to occupy on a line. This number is added to the Line Width dis- played at the bottom of the screen. The minimum Print Width is 6. Wrap(Y/N) Answer YES(Y) when the Field Width is greater than the Print Width and you want all of the field information printed. The extra characters will be wrapped to the next line. The field information can occupy up to three lines if Wrap is used. If you select NO(N) and the Field Width is greater than the Print Width, the extra characters will be deleted. Selecting either YES or NO when the Field Width is less than or equal to Print width has no effect on the printout. Line Width Display only field. This field displays the width the line will occupy as each Print Field and Print Width is selected. It adds each Print Width, plus two for each field. Note: The program does not prevent you from having line widths greater than 79 for screen reports or 129 for printer reports, however if you exceed these limits the reports will not be properly formatted when listed. #13 WRAP EXAMPLE This is a demonstration of the use and non use of Wrap on the Title field. The Field Width for Title is 40, the selected Print Width is 20. The first line of the example below is with YES to Wrap and the second line is with NO to Wrap. Title Star Costar Year --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Close Encounters Of Dreyfuss Garr 1980 The Third Kind 2. Close Encounters Of Dreyfuss Garr 1980 PRINTING TAPE LABELS Printing Tape Labels is a simple process with Video Librarian. If you want to print labels for all tapes, simply select Tape Labels from the Report Type Screen and All Movies from the List Menu. If you don't want to print labels for all your tapes, select Some Movies from the List Menu. You will then enter the Movie Selector Screen. The only field used by this screen when printing Tape Labels is TAPENO. For example if you had tapes numbered from 0001 to 0132 and you wanted to print labels for the first 20 you would make the following entries on the Movie Selector Screen. +--------+-------------+----------------+------------------+ | LogOp | Field | Comparator | Value | +--------+-------------+----------------+------------------+ | | TAPENO | LT | 0021 | | END | | | | | | | | | +--------+-------------+----------------+------------------+ #13 THE UTILITY MENU The Utility Menu is accessed form the Main Screen by pressing Util on the Main Screen. From the Utility Menu you can set the system date and time which will appear on the Main Screen when you return. Also, this screen allows you to create fully functional sub-files of your main file. Additionally, you can merge together two files previously created by Video Librarian. +------------ Utility Menu -----------+ | | | Set Date | | | | Set Time | | | | Merge Files | | | | Create Sub-File | | | | | | End | | | +-------------------------------------+ Enter A Highlighted Letter (D,T,M,C,E) UTILITY MENU FUNCTIONS SET DATE To set the date, you will be prompted to enter the month, day and year. For month enter 1..12. For day enter 1..31. For year enter 1980..2099. You may press F1 at any point to abort from this procedure and the current date will not be changed. SET TIME To set the time, you will be prompted to enter the hour, minutes and seconds. For hours enter 0..23. For minutes enter 0..59. For seconds enter 0..59. You may press F1 at any point to abort from this procedure and the current time will not be changed. #13 MERGE FILES This utility allows you to merge two files previously created into one file. When selected, you are prompted to enter the name of the Input File. The file cannot be the currently selected file. The movies from the Input File are added to the current file. If the Input File selected cannot be found you will receive an error message and given the chance to select another Input File. If the Input File selected is found you are asked if you want to open the file. If you answer Yes, the merge procedure will start. This is indicated by Merge In Progress flashing at the top of the Utility Screen. If you answer No to the open file question you will be returned to the Utility Menu for additional input. If the operation is completed successfully, you will be notified of the success and the number of movies added to the current file. If doing the merge process you run out of disk space, the oper- ation will halt. You are notified of the out of disk space con- dition, and the number of movies added to the current file. The file is fully functional, eventhough all movies were not added. CREATE SUB-FILE This utility allows you to create fully functional sub-files of any file created by Video Librarian. For example, if your main movie file contain movies in the categories, comedy, action and drama. By use of this procedure you could create a file that just con- tained comedy movies. When this item is selected, you will be prompted to input the name of the Output File. If the name of the Output File already exits, you will be given a chance to choose a new file name or continuing. If you elect to continue, the contents of the file will be erased and the new data added to the file. If the name selected for the Output File does not exits, you will be asked if you want to create the file. If you answer No, you will be returned to the Utility Screen Menu. If you answer yes the program will create the required files and continue. After selection of the Output File name, you will be enter the Movie Selector Screen. On this screen you will set up the selec- tion criteria for the movies to be included in the Output File. The message Adding Movies to New File will flash on the screen while this procedure is in progress. You will receive another message when the operation is complete and be told the number of movies transferred to the new file. If you run out of disk space during the procedure, you will be notified and told the number of movies transferred. The file is fully functional although all movies were not transferred. #13 VIDEOFIX PROGRAM PURPOSE A utility program is provided on your disk, called VIDEOFIX.EXE. The purpose of this program is to re-index your Video Librarian files if they should become damaged and to permanently remove deleted records from the file. CAUSE OF DAMAGE Your index files can become damaged by severe power spikes or loss of power to the computer while operating Video Librarian. Your index files have been damaged if you noticed that your star, costar, title, director or tapeno fields are not in listed in the proper alphabetical or numerical order. Damaged index files are a very rare occurrence, in over two years of extensive use of Video Librarian we have never experienced dam- aged index files except where induced on purpose to test this utility program. We highly recommend that you regularly back up your Video Librarian data files. If you have a recent back up disk, the quickest method to repair damaged index files is to copy the files from your back up disk to the main disk. This is assuming that you have not copied the damaged files to your back up disk. USING VIDEOFIX If you find it necessary to use this program to repair damaged index files perform the following: 1. If you have been using Video Librarian, exit from the program and re-boot your computer. 2. Make a backup copy of your damaged files. 3. At the place where you normally type VLB to load Video Librarian. a. Type SBMIO.COM b. after the program has loaded and the DOS prompt returns Type VIDEOFIX The program will load and the following prompt will appear: ReIndex or Delete Module R/D #13 ReIndex Module Select R for re-index, the delete module will be discussed later. You will then be prompted to input the drive and filename of the file you wish to repair. Enter the drive and filename without any extensions. The program will start processing the damaged files. The message Busy Repairing Files will flash on the screen. When the process is complete you will be returned to the DOS prompt. Delete Module When Video Librarian deletes a movie form the file, the movie is not physically removed from the disk file, it is flagged as deleted. To permanently remove the records from the disk file run VideoFix as directed previously. Select D at the first prompt. To remove the deleted records from your file, this utility creates a temporary data file. You will be prompted for the disk drive to store the temporary data file. If there is not enough room to store the temporary file you will be prompted again for a disk drive. You can then select an alternate drive with a formatted disk or PRESS F1 to abort. When the program completes processing all movies you will be returned to the DOS prompt. This utility also repairs damaged files. However if you only need to repair damaged files, use the Re-Index Module. The Re-Index module performs about three times faster than this module. #13 TAPE LABELS Video Librarian will print labels on five different label formats. The formats are (1) Regular labels (3 1/2 by 15/16) and on specially designed video cassette labels - - (2) VHS Spine (5 13/16 by 3/4), (3) VHS Top (3 1/16 by 1 13/16), (4) BETA Spine (5 1/2 by 11/16) and (5) BETA Top (2 1/2 by 2 5/8). The regular labels can be found in most any store that carries computer supplies. The custom labels(2-5) may be obtained by (** REGISTERED USERS ONLY **)contacting: TurboSystemCo 515 East Pershing, Suite 187 Cheyenne, Wy. 82001 ** Note ** If you are not a REGISTERED user, we will not respond to your request for custom labels. REGULAR LABELS Each label lists the tape number and will hold a maximum of four titles. The title, time in minutes, and the starting counter umber for each title is listed. See figure below: ***************************************************** * Tape# 0003 Time Start * * Raiders Of The Lost Ark 115 0000 * * Repo Man 092 1236 * * Romancing The Stone 105 2346 * * Midnight Express 121 3211 * ***************************************************** VHS/BETA SPINE LABELS Although the size of the VHS and BETA Spine labels are slightly different, the format printed on the tapes are the same. Each label list the tape number and will hold a maximum of four titles. The title, rating, time in minutes and the starting counter number for each title is listed. See figure below: ******************************************************************** * | Tape# 0008 | Every Which Way But Loose | R 119 0000 | * * | | Final Countdown, The | PG 092 1236 | * * | | First Blood | R 096 2346 | * * | | Forty-Eight Hours | R 097 3245 | * ******************************************************************** #13 VHS TOP LABELS Each label list the tape number and will hold a maximum of six titles. The title and the counter start number for each title is listed. See figure below: ********************************************** * Tape# 010 * * * * MOVIE TITLE START * * -------------------------------------- * * French Connection, The 0000 * * Gauntlet, The 1236 * * Goldfinger 2346 * * * * * ********************************************** BETA TOP LABELS Each label list the tape number and will hold a maximum of eleven titles. The title and the counter start number for each title is listed. See figure below: **************************************** * Tape# 008 * * * * MOVIE TITLE START * * ---------------------------------- * * Every Which Way But Loose 0000 * * Final Countdown, The 1236 * * First Blood 2346 * * Forty-Eight Hours 3642 * * * * * * * * * * * * * **************************************** NOTE: If there are more titles with the same tape number than can be printed on one tape label, Video Librarian will print additional labels until all titles with the same tape number are printed. Figures shown above are not actual size. #13